Exclusive: Getting to Know Connor Daly

Photo by Jeremy Ryan

Great songwriting relies on the ability to tell a story in a way that resonates with people of all different walks of life.  And once you realize you have that gift, you need to share story after story after story – like an itch you have to keep scratching.  Virginia native Connor Daly has had that itch for over five years. Writing and sharing while on the fast-track of his dedicated songwriting path, he is set to release his debut album, Colors Fade, later this month.

We caught up with the recent graduate of George Mason University to talk about his songwriting process, discus, new music and more.

CN: For our readers who may not be familiar with you, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

CD: My name is Connor Daly, and I am an Americana/Country artist from Virginia. I recently relocated to Nashville, TN, and have jumped into the music scene down here. I grew up playing music and sports and competed on the track and field team at George Mason University. Since graduating in 2022, I have been working on my craft in songwriting and performing, and I am excited to release my debut album, Colors Fade, on July 26th.

CN: You were quite the discus star in high school and then at George Mason University. How did you start competing in discus?

CD: I originally joined the track and field team my freshman year in high school to run long distance because my sister was on the team. After running countless times directly past the discus throwers, I decided I didn’t want to suffer any more running and I wanted to try throwing. I spent a lot of time eating, lifting, and working on the technique until I was a Virginia 5A state champion in discus throw. I really enjoyed my time competing at high levels in this event.

CN: Are you excited to watch the event during the Olympics?

CD: I’m definitely excited to watch the event this year. I truly love the summer Olympics. I wish it came around more than once every 4 years, but I guess the timing is what makes it unique and special. It’s going to be a good year to watch!

CN: Since college you decided to really invest yourself in songwriting. Can you take us through your songwriting process?

CD: I am a big believer in hard work and practice and think with those skills you can achieve a whole lot in songwriting and life in general. Songwriting is something that requires natural ability and learned knowledge. I wrote my first finished song in 2019 and have come a long way since then. I always start writing songs by coming up with chords or a melody on my guitar. Then, I put my phone down to record and start humming along to the guitar. I don’t start writing knowing what I want to write about typically, unless I have an idea I want to try. I let the melody drive where the story will go.

CN: Which artists have influenced you both personally and as an artist?

CD: I have been a huge fan of Ed Sheeran for as long as I can remember. Last year, I was lucky enough to go to one of his concerts and it might have been my favorite concert of all time. I love how his songs are driven by melodies and hooks. His music has had a lot of influence on my music over the years. Another artist that has influenced me recently is Jason Isbell. His storytelling is honest and real, and has made a mark in my mind when I am writing songs.

CN: You just released your latest single “You In Tennessee” – a heartfelt song whose detailed lyrics are relatable and personal. What is the backstory behind this song?

CD: “You In Tennessee” is a new take on an old theme. It is about being young and wanting to see all the world has to offer, but knowing nothing can beat being with her in Tennessee. This song was one of the fastest writes I had on the album; everything fell right into place.

CN: Prior to “You In Tennessee” you released the poignant “Ain’t Got A Cape.” A very deep and necessary song accompanied by an even more emotional video. At a time when mental health is becoming more and more a priority – as it should always have been – what was the inspiration behind this song?

CD: In today’s world, mental health challenges are such a prevalent issue, so I figured now was the best time to write a song regarding this topic. I am glad I was able to find a topic that most people can relate to.

CN: How important was it for you to address this topic with not only the single but with such a heart wrenching video to really stamp the emotion behind such a loss?

CD: I think any music video done right can add to the story and emotion of a song. “Ain’t Got A Cape” adds an extra layer to the lyrics for listeners to take in and conveys the unfortunate but important message of loss and love to anyone watching. Also, with the ending being somewhat of a cliffhanger, it leaves the viewer to fill in the blanks with their own personal experiences, which helps viewers connect even more.

CN: “You In Tennessee” and “Ain’t Got A Cape” will be on your upcoming album ‘Colors Fade’ set for release on July 26. How did you decide on the title for the album?

CD: It took a while for me to choose what the title should be for the album. I wasn’t sure if there would be a title track for the name or just a phrase or idea that flowed with the messages behind the songs. I chose “Colors Fade” as the title because the idea of everything coming to an end, whether that’s a good or bad thing, related well to the tracks as a group. I also had a cool idea for the cover art that helped me lock in the name.

CN: Both singles carry very heavy emotions; will this be a theme throughout the album? What can fans expect?

CD: I wanted the album to cover all the human experience – happiness, sadness, and everything in between. There are some songs on Colors Fade that will leave you feeling happy, and others that will make you never take another moment for granted. It was truly important to me to create music that people can connect to on a deeper emotional level.

CN: If you could collaborate with any one artist, who would it be?

CD: A dream collab for me would be Ed Sheeran. Not only is his music similar to some of my songs, but I have also always been a huge fan of his. He is one of the best singer-songwriters of all time, so if I ever have the pleasure of collaborating with him, I think all my hard work up to that point would have been worth it.

CN: What was your first concert you ever attended?

CD: My first concert was Chris Daughtry. My family has been big fans of his since watching him on American Idol. It was a great first concert to go to and made me want to attend many more.

CN: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

CD: Motivated – Having been an athlete my entire life, I love having goals and aspirations to shoot towards. I am more motivated now than I have ever been and am pushing to start checking off goals in my music career.

CN: What else can fans look forward to this year?

CD: Fans can look forward to the whole album, Colors Fade, being released on July 26th of this year and seeing me play the record live in different venues across the country from now into next year. I hope fans can connect to these songs and come out to hear them live!

For more information on Connor Daly, visit his website connordalymusic.com and follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

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