Exclusive: Getting to Know Annie Vander

Ever since she popped onto the scene in 2022, Illinois native Annie Vander continues to make her mark in country music.  Following her debut radio release “Falling Into Nashville”, “He, Himself & Him” scored the #1 spot on PLayMPE’s streaming charts and two nominations (“Best Performance in a Music Video” and “Female Video of the Year”) at this year’s upcoming Josie Music Awards.

We recently caught up with Annie to talk about her musical journey, her latest single “Rock In My Shoe” and more.

CN:  For our readers who may not be familiar with you, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

AV:  Hey The Country Note! Thanks for having me! I am just a girl who loves to bring people on a journey through music. Above all, I am a wife, dog mom, God-momma and love spending time with people closest to my heart.

CN:  What artists have influenced you both personally and as an artist?

AV:  There are so many to list as my musical life has pulled inspiration from many genres. I would have to say at this point, Shania Twain, Carrie Underwood, Kelsea Ballerini, Sheryl Crow, Tom Petty, Alanis Morrisette, Pink, Lady Gaga….and the list continues.

CN:  How did you first become interested in country music?

AV:  It was Shania Twain, in the 90’s that did it for me. I was not always a fan of country music, but between her music, and a close friend of mine, who said years ago, “I know you will love Country music one of these days.” Country music worked its way into my world and I am forever hooked, not only listening to it, but creating!

CN:  Your latest single “Rock In My Shoe” resonates with listeners for its compelling lyrics and leaves them feeling encouraged and strong. Can you tell me the inspiration behind this song?

AV:  Sure! I was sort of having a tough day, and wanted a song that left listeners feeling unstoppable and strong, while also giving a nod to God. Some years ago, while I was running triathlons, and training for various events, I would listen to “The Champion” by Carrie Underwood and Ludacris, and that was the feeling I would get. So, I wanted a different song, but the same emotions from it, if that makes sense? I wanted a “personal fight anthem” and wanted the lyrics to apply so people could find encouragement through any obstacle in life, no matter what it is. Whether it’s work, trouble in a relationship, heath struggles, like a cancer diagnosis, and the list goes on. “I’ll get along like I always do, it’s just a Rock In My Shoe” – so keep going, push forward, know that in the past, what didn’t kill you never made you weaker, and look to God to be your rock through whatever struggle you are facing.

CN:  We know your first country radio hit, “Falling Into Nashville” was drawn from personal experiences. Same with your Father’s Day release “The Daddy Tree.” Is this something that you tap into every time you write? Is there a particular goal or mission driving your creative process when it comes to songwriting?

AV:  I find songwriting flows better for me when I do draw from personal events. That said, I know us humans experience different struggles, joys and life events that aren’t exactly the same, but are very similar in many ways. So, I try to pull from my own stories and apply the lyrics so they can fit a universal audience. I want the listeners to be able to relate to the music and get lost in the story. While not every song is exactly what has happened to me, more times than not, the idea of writing a story in a song is inspired by personal experiences.

CN:  What do you find most rewarding about being creative?

AV:  The outlet songwriting gives is like nothing else to me. Being able to share my stories with a larger audience, and to see the emotions it brings from people who listen, is something indescribable. I know I have had go-to songs for listening when I am in a certain mood, since I was a child, and the music that I would need in a moment is a healing thing. So, being able to share my stories and music and know people relate to it is something that is rewarding to me on so many levels.

CN:  If you could collaborate with any one artist, who would it be?

AV:  There are so many good artists to choose from. That said, Keith Urban is on the top of that list! Definitely my dream collab!

CN:  Congrats on the nominations for “He Himself & Him” from The Josie Music Awards. How did you find out and how did you celebrate your nomination? How excited are you? This is such a fun lighthearted music video. Look forward to seeing you there in October.

AV:  Thank you!! I am still over the moon happy about the nominations. I was keeping an eye on The Josie’s Music Award’s website as they were announcing the nominees for this year, and was so surprised to see my name and music listed! I never thought I would end up on that list and I was like, OMGNESSSS.!!! I have a reason to get dressed up now, and celebrate with so many talented people at the Grand Ole Opry in October!! I am very excited, humbled, and grateful, and can’t wait to see you there as well!

CN:  We saw you’re a dog mom and you recently brought your pup to swim lessons to learn the sport of dock diving. Tell us more about your “kids”.

AV:  Ahhhh, I could go on and on and on about our “kids”!! My husband and I currently have three “kids” with 4 paws each! I am such an animal lover, through and through. Before I started back down a music path, I was a veterinary technician for many years, and I worked as a certified dog trainer. Seeing our “kids” do something they love and keeping them happy is what my world revolves around. We have a yellow Labrador named “Reagan” , a rescue pup named “Wednesday” and a German Shorthaired Pointer named “Frankie Lynne” (named after Franklin, TN). The Labrador and the German Shorthair are our swimmers at the dock diving facilities. Wednesday is the champion of snuggles and protecting her home and mommy.

CN:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

AV:  Positive. Learning to look at life through a glass half full view is a way of life for me. Don’t get me wrong, I have good days and I have days that are tough, but I always try to focus on the good that can come from any situation, and stay grateful for any and all experiences that I learn from it.

CN:  You’re on the road touring and playing with your band. Where can fans see you and do you have more music on the horizon for this year?

AV:  I play at many venues near my hometown in Yorkville, IL and the Chicagoland area. People can follow my website and socials for new dates and times. As for new music on the horizon, that is a yes!! There is definitely more on the way, and I can’t wait to share it!

For more information on Annie Vander, visit her website www.AnnieVanderMusic.com and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

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