Exclusive: Getting to Know Cali Tucker

Photo Credit: Fred Morledge at PhotoFM.com

Tucker.  Carrying that last name brings a lot of pride, and when it comes to the Tucker women of country music, their pride and resilience flows from generation to generation. Cali Tucker is one of those women; as the daughter of LaCosta and niece to Tanya, Cali continues to uphold the prominence of that iconic last name.

We recently caught up with Cali to talk about her famous family, her new music and more.

CN:  For our readers who may not be familiar with you, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

CT:  My name is Cali Tucker. I’m originally from Nashville, TN but currently living in Las Vegas as a full-time headlining singer.

CN:  The last name Tucker is up there among country royalty. Your mom is LaCosta Tucker and your aunt is none other than the iconic Tanya Tucker. What was it like growing up in such a musically talented and well-known family?

CT:  I feel incredibly blessed to be a Tucker, and I owe so much love and gratitude to my mom and aunt for inspiring my career. While my childhood felt normal in many ways, I also knew it was something truly special. My mom and aunt would take my brother, cousins, and me on tour, where we got to experience the amazing energy of the crowds. From that moment, I was hooked.

CN:  Can you share a favorite family memory or two?

CT:  My favorite family memories will always be our big Christmas celebrations. We would all come together, laughing, playing, and enjoying incredible food. Those moments were truly special, and I loved how magical they always felt.

CN:  When did you realize “Hey, I can sing too!”

CT:  I never thought I could sing, but I always dreamed of it. I used to put on little shows for my family and participate in talent shows, but it wasn’t until my peers pointed out that I had a voice that I began to take myself seriously.

Photo Credit: Fred Morledge at PhotoFM.com

CN:  Sometimes when we are surrounded by something, we look in a different direction to find ourselves. Were you always drawn to country music, or did you detour and then re-discover it?

CT:  During my younger years of self-discovery, I strayed away from country music, but I’m so grateful I found my way back to my roots. I’ve always enjoyed a variety of genres and often questioned how closely I wanted to follow in my family’s footsteps. I explored a few different styles, but none of them truly resonated with me. At my core, I’m a country girl.

CN:  What artists have influenced you both personally and as an artist?

CT:  Shania Twain has always been the most influential artist in my career, from her pop-country sound to her iconic style. On a more personal level, Third Eye Blind had the biggest impact on me. Their music helped me tap into a deeper emotional side and shaped my songwriting.

CN:  It’s been 10 years since your time as a contestant on “The Voice” – What lessons did you take with you after your time on the show? 

CT:  I had an incredible experience on the show, and it’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years! I’m so thankful for that opportunity because, after it ended, I took a leap of faith and moved to Las Vegas. From there, I’ve been unstoppable, building a successful career as a performer. Along the way, I connected with my producer, G’harah “PK” Degeddingseze, and my co-writer, Tricia Battani. Now, I’m creating and releasing music that truly reflects who I am, and it’s an incredibly liberating experience.

CN:  Growing up you toured with your Aunt Tanya, and since being on “The Voice” you have headlined a show in Vegas. How did your experience of touring with your Aunt prepare you for your show in Vegas? How has having a headlining gig changed your life – both professionally and personally?

CT:  Touring with my aunt gave me valuable insight into how to prepare for my own shows. There’s a lot of preparation and routines before, during, and after each essential performance, and being on the road with her was a great preview of what I’m doing now. My life is, of course, incredibly busy and structured to keep up with my six-night-a-week performance schedule, which unfortunately leaves little room for a personal life. However, after years of practice, I’ve found a great balance.

CN:  Is there any advice present-day Cali Tucker would tell The Voice contestant Cali Tucker?

CT:  Yes, you’re going to hear a lot of opinions about how you should sing or perform. Don’t listen to any of them. You made it to that stage by being yourself, so don’t let anyone mess with your head or try to change you before a performance. You’re a powerhouse—so own it!

CN:  Tell us about your “Country Couture”.

CT:  My Country Couture is a blend of glamour, high fashion, and designer pieces, paired with blue jeans, a crop top, and a cowboy hat.

CN:  You just released your latest single, “Urban Cowboy” – tell us what the inspiration behind the track is and what you hope fans can take away from it.

CT:  This song was inspired by the belief in never giving up on love and how it can truly feel like a fairytale. I always thought of the Urban Cowboy as a kind of myth or legend—something we’ve all heard about, but few have ever seen. My goal was to create a modern-day fairytale with a western twist, one that could eventually become a book or even a movie. I’m especially excited to release the music video, which turned out to be a charming romantic comedy. This song is filled with so much life and excitement, and I’m thrilled to finally share this story.

CN:  If you had the opportunity to collaborate with any one artist, who would it be?

CT:  Shania Twain will always be at the top of my list, but deep down, I’d love to collaborate with my mom on a few songs, or even create a mother-daughter album. It’s hard to put into words just how special that would be for both of us.

CN:  If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why?

CT:  Persistent. I’ve never been one to slack off or give up when things get tough. I fight for what I want, and when the odds are stacked against me, that’s when I truly thrive.

CN:  What’s on the horizon as we enter the final months of 2024?

CT:  With my latest single “Urban Cowboy” out now and the music video set to release soon, I’ll be gearing up for a tour and starting rehearsals with my band. I’m also working on launching my clothing brand, “Country Couture,” inspired by the song, as well as a children’s book based on “Urban Cowboy.” In addition to my ongoing performances in Las Vegas, I’ll be finding time to keep writing new songs.

“Urban Cowboy” is available to for streaming and downloading here.

For more information on Cali Tucker, visit her website www.calitucker.com and follow her on Facebook, X and Instagram.

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