Candi Carpenter Releases Acoustic Performance Video for Her New Song “Nights and Weekends”

“Candi Carpenter gives young women a truthful and much needed anthem!” – Country Fancast
Up and coming Nashville-based country singer Candi Carpenter is proud to debut her acoustic music video for her new song, “Nights and Weekends”, which premiered on Country Fancast (11/30). “Nights and Weekends” came to life as a therapy session with one of her co-writers who’d just finished working a double shift at a restaurant in Nashville. It was also inspired by Candi’s father, who rarely gets to see his wife during the day because of his third shift work schedule.

“I hope this song will encourage people to keep going and hang on to their dreams, even when money is tight and work is wearing them down,” says Candi.

The video was a production made up of Candi’s friends, and fellow artists- Hannah Bethel, Jenny Garner, Melanie Bresnan, and Aaron Kessler (left to right) who all helped with the acoustic performance, while Derek Oxford shot and edited the video himself.

Truly Alvarenga handled set design, and Baumgartner Sound and Design supplied the beautiful handmade speakers that are featured in the video:

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