Paulina Jayne’s Acoustic Version of “Love’s Gonna Always Win” Hits The Heart


A Message From Paulina

“Exactly two years ago today I sent a song into the world with lyrics that still remain true. They sang a message first spoken thousands of years ago that we just need to hear sometimes: to love thy neighbor. I guess our world craved that reminder because hearts all over responded.

People from every crevice of the globe streamed “Love’s Gonna Always Win” over 400,000 times, and the word was spread. Love was spun on radio waves through over 64 stations in 19 countries. Translations were made by natives in China and Spain to further the message into the hearts of their people. Line dances and little kids singing along karaoke-style popped up all over YouTube and Instagram. Awards were given celebrating the lyrics, Music Row historian and legend, Robert Oermann, bringing me to my knees when he said that my “vocal [was] a piercing arrow of truth.” Hearing the message blasting through the sound system at Nissan Stadium to 60,000 people during CMA fest gave me goosebumps.

For the first time in my career, I felt like I was a part of a movement greater than just another song.

Now, two years later, I’m reiterating this message that we need to hear just as much today as we did the first time around, if not more.

But, this time, “let’s strip it down,” I thought. “Let’s slow it down,” I told Caroline. “Let’s turn the music down and turn the lyrics up. Let the words take the forefront and let’s feel the message in our chests and watery eyes.”

So, here it is. A simplified rendition of a song that seemed to have struck a chord in people around the world. A melody with lyrics on a screen so you can hear AND see what I’m trying to say. Faces flashing by to represent all kinds of kinds. The cityscape of my soon-to-be gentrified hometown, Detroit, depicting the beautiful things that can come when a little love is sprinkled on a lot of heartbreak.

Nothing can be done alone. This project certainly wasn’t. Let’s do this together. Come on kindness, because love’s gonna always win.” – Paulina Jayne

Stay current with Paulina Jayne news on her website and follow her on social media platforms Facebook,Instagram, and Twitter. Watch Paulina Jayne’s videos on YouTube and stream her music on Spotify.

1 Comment on Paulina Jayne’s Acoustic Version of “Love’s Gonna Always Win” Hits The Heart

  1. Paulina Jayne I have loved this song from the first time I heard it! But this is The Most Beautiful thing ! ❤❤❤

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